e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

Another new species IDed

We went out in the evening, and had a lovely walk which yielded plenty of decent images.  The prickly pear cactus is blooming now, strong lemon yellow changing to a lovely orange...with the last of the bluecurls and some beggars' ticks (lacy white flowers) growing up in and through the cactus clumps.  Cactus flowers are always full of insects eager for pollen and nectar, so I'm used to seeing flower scarabs, ants, bees, and wasps in them...but not butterflies.  This evening, though, an Oak Hairstreak was deep into a cactus flower when I started photographing it, though I couldn't see all the marks for an ID until it was almost to the top of the petals. 

The other hairstreaks we've IDed here include olive juniper hairstreak, soapberry hairstreak, gray hairstreak, a and dusky-blue hairstreak.   The thing to look for with this fellow is that very obvious W over the only blue spot.

Tags: butterflies, cactus, nature, wildlife management

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