e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

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80 acres: More purple and orange

Yesterday I went out on foot looking for more monarchs on the gayfeather.   I found one, but it wanted to hide on the other side of a gayfeather stalk and offered only a front view, wings folded.  

Then I saw another flash of orange:

This is a Gulf Fritillary--actually a Longwing, and not related to the other fritillaries, but in the next pictures you'll see why it's called a fritillary--it has silvery spots on the underside of the wings, especially the hind wing.


Its body is striped in butterscotch and white, and the eyes are yellow-gold. 

If you can't get monarchs, Gulf Fritillaries are a good substitute.

The day also produced some interesting bees (not honeybees) buzzing loudly around the gayfeather, and sighting of the smallish red-eared slider in the lily pond--actually got a picture of it, too. 


Tags: butterflies, photography

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