e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

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Blog updates

Yup, there are new blog updates on the Paksworld blog, and will soon be on the 80acres blog because I had a fantastic walk this afternoon.  Pictures should be up by 9 pm tonight.   I saw a deer walking quietly through the creek, but she saw me (though I stood still, maybe 20 yards away) and flagged her tail and leaped away.  No picture of that one.  I didn't try to raise the camera at all.  No snipe today (alas) but lots of damselflies mating and ovipositing, some hatchling fish, and some (always too fast to ID) grassland sparrows.

I'm moving into the period when I will be posting to the Paksworld blog at least 5 times a week, so I may not announce every update here--if you're following that at all, consider using one of the RSS feeds.  As I'm deep in revision of the second book in the group, a lot of the posts are about that process, but some will be about the coming book as well.

Tags: blog updates

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