e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

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Last week we sang a mostly-Purcell Evensong at St. David's.  Tonight we sang the same music (well, most of it) at Good Shepherd.   I had a difficult drive in (fog and rain) to a place I didn't know, and whose signage, for visiting choristers, is nil.  It was raining when I got there (and I got wet, since I couldn't get Richard's umbrella to open, and had to wrap my rain jacket around my choir robes to keep them dry instead of me) and walked halfway around a building to find the door.   Not everyone showed up, but we filled the available choir seats and did a pretty good job.  The acoustics are very different and I had trouble both hearing what our section was doing, and hearing the other sections for balance.  

The drive home was a monster too, with drizzle, rain up to hard rain, and fog.   Was very glad to get home.  It's gorgeous music but I'd rather sing it in a place where I've rehearsed more than a half hour before. 

I must praise our bass Julius, though.   The usual bass soloist suddenly had to work (don't know what his other job is) and couldn't be there.  Julius is a HS senior with a busy schedule and a gorgeous bass voice.  David tells all of us to pay attention to other parts any time we're not singing, so Julius had been listening to the bass soloist in rehearsal.  So when David called him last night and asked if he could take over--he said yes.   And boy did he pull off the solos today...which are not simple, since it's Purcell.  (For those who know Purcell, the big one was "The Bell Anthem" or "Rejoice in the Lord Always.")

Tags: music

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