e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

From Twitter 12-07-2009

  • 08:42:24: Rehearsal last night. Dress rehearsal tonight. Performance tomorrow. Hoping the bod sticks it out...tiredness deepens. But the music!
  • 08:43:37: Courting Inca doves would get a laugh out of a stone statue.
  • 09:47:49: Cold fog. Appropriate weather for an ambush in the book. Should I go outside and remind self of sensory details? (Shiver.)
  • 10:49:03: Excuse for staying in: shivering produces no income. Writing does. Let the characters shiver...
  • 16:13:49: Supper at four, homemade bread and soup, before tonight's rehearsal, which we're promised WILL last until 10 pm.
  • 16:15:59: On another venue, dimtwits still trying to say that ice melting doesn't mean things are warming up.

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