- 10:40:23: Recovering from yesterday: lots of singing and someone going bonkers during the 9 am service.
- 10:41:10: Alpha reader 1 thinks chapters aren't really fixed yet. :headdesk:
- 12:20:12: Behind. I am SO FAR BEHIND!! I am behind my behind. I can't see the taillights of where I should be. Waily, waily, waily, woe.
- 12:21:20: (note to self: Get over yourself, woman! One drama queen in the household is enough, and Mac the QH has grabbed that role.)
- 18:13:47: New post at http://www.80acresonline/blog/ including image of solstice garden "haunt"
- 18:17:03: ARG: WRONG URL. That's http://www.80acresonline.org/blog/
Sorry. Mea culpa.
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