This afternoon's arrangements are different--this is son's normal ice-skating evening (though Northcross has cut the evening open skating to 8 pm, not 9 pm, which makes it less convenient for me even when the weather allows fencing to go on.) So husband and son will take a bus from ACC to the North Lamar Transit Center, and from there to Northcross, and I will head down to the city and hopefully (if all goes well and the small gods of transportation smile on us) arrive at Northcross about the time they do, with son's ice skates. Skates and son will stay there; husband and I will go eat something somewhere (not fancy) and then at 8 pm pick up son at the ice rink and head for home by the western route, stopping at the Leander Transit Center for husband to pick up his car.
In the great wisdom of CapMetro (a touch of sarcasm there) they've put the transit centers in places inconvenient for anyone without a car (for "security," husband was told), and without any amenities whatsoever. So if you think that the "Lakeline Mall Transit Center" is at Lakeline're out of luck, because it's not near Lakeline Mall or anything else handy or useful. All you can do at transit centers is wait for another bus. If you have a five or ten minute drive from home to a park & ride or this kind of thing, that's fine, but if you've previously had a long drive to get would be nice to have it near a place to get a snack without having to drive there.
Meanwhile, for other reasons entirely, I got zero hours of sleep last night and am thus in need of a long nap--but without time to take one.