e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

From Twitter 02-11-2010

  • 06:55:49: SFFnet had overnight server problems. So far not affecting hosted sites--mine are up--but news & mail & IRC. Glad they tweeted about it.
  • 09:56:41: Another new post in 80 Acres blog: http://www.80acresonline.org/blog/ w/photos of storm effects in creek woods.
  • 11:37:07: RT @sffnet: The mail server (smtp and pop3) is up and running on the backup server. No lost data. Webmail access to follow soon.
  • 13:43:54: RT @sffnet: We're working on getting the various services to co-operate on the backup server. Expect things to go up and down temporaril ...
  • 21:51:40: New posts up on Paksworld blog: good news on reviews, etc. http://www.paksworld.com/blog/
  • 21:52:36: New post up on Speed of Dark blog, "miscommunication." http://www.speedofdark-thebook.com/blog/
  • 22:05:54: Heading to ConDFW, not taking laptop, will be off Twitter through Monday.

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com


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