e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

From Twitter 03-06-2010

  • 10:28:11: A sick cockroach woke me up way before dawn, scuttling around bedroom in disorganized way. Can't sleep. Now tired. Bleh.
  • 17:40:30: Friends came up--we walked land, saw birds, ate, had cake & ice cream, chatted, watched more birds. Perfect birthday party.
  • 18:27:32: Seen today: full-bloom of plum thicket, early bloom of Mexican plums, lots of mud, lots of birds, and more rain in forecast.
  • 21:24:06: Can't get photos to upload to 80 acres blog. GRUMP.
  • 21:28:04: Guess I'll have to look at tomorrow's music instead. Batten's "Haste Thee, O God" (Tudor) and Parker's arr. of "Calvary's Mountain" (Am)
  • 21:31:32: Batten expects singers to read--lots of Tudor tricky bits--fun. The Parker starts boring for altos, but then does other stuff. Not as fun.
  • 21:32:47: W'd help if I could remember which way to jump when I see "natural" sign. A half-note the wrong direction is not appreciated.
  • 23:08:43: New post with wildflower & bird pics up at http://www.80acresonline.org/blog/
  • 23:11:17: New post up at http://www.paksworld.com/blog/

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