Thursday, I had signed the required sheets for the Moon Flights collection and gotten them in the mail, express to the bindery. Then I started on the copyedited manuscript which had been emailed to me Thursday morning. The problem was, I had never used Word's "Track Changes" function before, and--we discovered--my version of Word was not the same as my editor's, so some things that were under the "Track Changes" tag in hers were under the "View Comments" tag in mine. I worked on that all day Friday, and finally emailed it back to her about 9:30 Friday night. Which is why I didn't get to ArmadilloCon early on Saturday (let alone late on Friday.)
Saw a lot of friends, made some new ones, ate some good food, and was correct in my original belief that--had I been on programming--I'd have been too brain-dead to be any good. Sitting around talking idly about this and that was the best I could do.
Now I'm home for awhile. The farrier's coming tomorrow to trim the horses; the gutter people are coming to give us an estimate on putting up gutters on the new roof; I'll also be starting the unfortunately massive job of house-cleaning that needs doing.