e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

From Twitter 03-19-2010

  • 08:04:56: Working on CE questions from UK Gird/Luap book & revisions on Kings for US ed.
  • 17:50:33: It's a lot easier to fabricate a carcass with a really good meat saw. And an electric meat grinder. Lamb chops for supper.
  • 17:52:12: Though not all the lamb chops came out the same thickness, due to the inexperience of the operator (that would be me.)
  • 22:42:23: Lamb chops--cooked in cast-iron skillet with a little wine...next time more herbs...but really good.
  • 23:17:58: Maybe, just possibly, I figured out why the scene I'm working on is so stuck. Note to self, and then bed, because I need dawn-brain for it.

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