- 06:25:48: Recovery from yesterday's voice lesson & choir rehearsal + chasing !**! cockroach after midnight...bleh.
- 06:30:33: Blurry image of damselfly will not come sharp with photo-manip software, so I still don't know what damsel it is. C'd be citrine forktail?
- 06:43:04: TX Att. Gen. Abbott being predictable bozo in suing feds about health care. http://www.oag.state.tx.us/oagnews/release.php?id=3269
- 06:44:27: Abbot claims to be protecting TX citizens' rights....apparently the right to have no medical care, go bankrupt due to med bills, etc.
- 07:59:58: TeaParty "teabonics" http://www.flickr.com/photos/pargon/sets/72157623594187379/ If Eng. is your language, learn to SPELL!
- 12:39:37: RT @chavelaque: RT @webchyk "Obama is not a brown-skinned, antiwar socialist who gives away healthcare. You are thinking of Jesus."-Epis ...
- 12:49:20: Pulled radishes. Pulled LOTS of radishes. Staring at PILE of radishes. Nice bright rosy-pink-red-white radishes. TOO MANY radishes.
- 12:50:00: Carrot row now looks like baby carrots. Greens row still has radishes in it, but back and knees gave out. And we have LOTS of radishes.
- 12:50:44: It is possible to eat too many radishes. Even spacing them with a bite of bagel or cheese...
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