e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

From Twitter 04-16-2010

  • 08:49:20: Wetness yesterday. Probably more today. Not sure when--the main lump of wet is well south & east of us.
  • 09:17:59: How can it be after 10am already??? (Sound of mournful wail of woe echoing down the corridor, along with "Late! Late! I'm late!!")
  • 11:26:08: I'm all for healthy eating unless it means giving up dark chocolate and Blue Bell ice cream. (Contemplates healthy stew in pot...)
  • 16:39:05: Tossed mushrooms and some mustard (condiment, not leaves of) in the stew. May add some other stuff, as inspiration suggests.
  • 18:39:11: Twice have posted to LJ only to be told post failed and "Must provide entry text." Had entry text. Stupid LJ ATE the entry text. Anyone?

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