e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

From Twitter 04-26-2010

  • 15:56:48: Back from San Marcos, where I chatted with a great Honors class about The Speed of Dark. Took winding back roads west from there. Flowers!
  • 15:57:54: Traveling back roads without a map renews the internal GPS. Came out on US281 just about where I thought I would.
  • 17:20:34: Ro-Tel + ranch beef + onions & garlic can't go wrong. Today's concoction assigns barley the "starch" role. Other additions coming soon.
  • 17:21:26: RT @robinmckinley: How *totally* frelling brilliant is this http://www.alamany.com/web_stoats/source/oa_m_11052.htm

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com


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