e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

From Twitter 05-10-2010

  • 07:27:46: Snatched from @robinmckinley: Salon's Laura Miller review of Carr's book: Yes, the internet is rotting your brain: http://bit.ly/c2jB9f
  • 08:39:51: New post up at http://www.80acresonline.org/blog/ with critter pictures. (Now back to copy edits.)
  • 12:08:35: Copy edits, copy edits...I am so TIRED of copy edits. FedEx says I can ship air overnight Wed. for Thurs. del. Many pages still to go.
  • 12:10:00: I also want copy of ms. bc/ w this many stets, the proofs may or may not have them all.
  • 12:44:49: On the menu: fresh from garden sugar-snap peas. OMG delicious! Crispy, sweet (yes, we eat them raw. Who wouldn't ?)
  • 22:40:57: Book III is hammering on me because I've been working on Book II's copy edits. Book II's maps are still to be done. Book III wants out.
  • 22:41:58: One of the truths of writing (mine, anyway) is that nothing makes a book take off like having to do something else.
  • 22:43:17: And another is that when one is in trouble, other project ideas bounce up and down yelling "Me! I'm ready! Me!" But they lie.

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com


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