Himself is back home now, and I don't have the house to myself for a few hours, which is how I work on difficult music, so no one has to listen. We're singing a Walton anthem this Sunday and it's pages and pages of "must read every note/notation/suggestion/marking-made-du
On the good side, the bread is rising. Whole wheat/cranberry/walnut/seeds bread. The seeds being pumpkin and sunflower...and since I ran out of walnuts I threw in a few pine nuts. I need a new scraper; if the hardware store in town is open tomorrow, I'll get another one of those things painters use to float joints...it works as well as the expensive metal and wood ones they sell in fancy stores, and costs very little. Even when the handle breaks off (about two years of use) it's still fine until (as happened to me) you lose it.