- 14:21:33: First truly unpleasant weather day of summer: high 90s F, v.high humidity, pale glary sky. Was 80F at dawn.
- 18:16:14: New post up at http://www.80acresonline.org/blog/ with pictures of prairie flowers and critters.
- 18:16:52: New post up at http://www.speedofdark-thebook.com/blog/
- 22:08:04: RT @kaysea14: Kiva - Nasiba Agakishiyeva from Azerbaijan has a loan fundraising on Kiva: http://www.kiva.org/lend/205101 via @addthis
- 22:08:36: RT @kaysea14: Runoff for the Dem senatorial candidate in Arkansas--Halter voters being denied their votehttp://bit.ly/cFK3Cq
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