e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

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In the Kitchen

M- decided to spend the weekend with us, and I asked R- to pick up some chicken thighs on the way back from the city to get him.  I wanted to try out my new All-Clad sautee pan.   These were the biggest chicken thighs I have ever seen--monster thighs.  So this morning I fired up the new sautee pan with a bit of oil in it, and after a bit of discovery (modern chickens also have more fat, so less oil is needed to start with...)  I had lightly browned chicken thighs, sauteed onions and mushrooms, and white wine in another pot (because the sautee pan wouldn't hold all the thighs--they were that big!) and was defrosting a quart of chicken stock.    My next to last quart of chicken stock, so chicken stock is definitely next on the list to make.

When all was together (along with a bay leaf, a couple of sprigs of fresh rosemary, & some pepper) I put it to simmer for awhile.  Smelled really good.  But looking at the pot, I thought it would be nice to have the sauce creamier.  But...no cream.  I dug around in the cupboard and found an old can of condensed cream of chicken soup.  (Did I look at the date on the can first?  No.  Was this an error?  Yes.)   Mixed it with a little water--still kind of textured, but I thought it would go on and blend.  Not...exactly.  Not horrible, but the little flecks of what I assume were casein  cut the attractiveness a bit.  

Flavor, though, was excellent, when I added more salt & pepper.
Tags: chicken, cooking

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