e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

From Twitter 06-23-2010

  • 11:11:54: This from Eliot A. Cohen at WSJ on the errant general: http://tinyurl.com/2ajun6q
  • 12:51:09: And my comments on Gen. McChrystal on LJ: http://e-moon60.livejournal.com/308446.html
  • 13:11:23: Racing off to get the master map (mostly done) scanned this afternoon before my voice lesson. Gonna be a long day.
  • 22:15:13: Voice lesson. OMG. Last week's breakthrough not a fluke. Top end opening up like a puzzle-box. Old dogs can learn new tricks.
  • 22:16:06: Scan of master map, check. Print of master map, check. Haven't seen yet if there's room in the 'puter for what's on the CD.

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com


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