- 09:47:06: RT @kaysea14: RT @OurFuturedotorg Reagan Revolution Home To Roost -- In Charts | OurFuture.org http://bit.ly/9O0Tgh
- 09:48:22: The Saturday Splits: part writing, part mapping, part housework. Some books are no longer on the floor!! Hills added to map...etc.
- 09:48:51: At some point, the Saturday Splits must include work on music--esp. tomorrow's anthem and finding my missing folder for lessons.
- 15:42:06: 5 more boxes of books -->storage. 1 sack books to Goodwill. Determined to get all books onto shelves. 2 "lost" items found.
- 15:44:09: More hills on map. New stuff copied onto smaller (easier to photograph) paper. Four missing music folder. Started a stew.
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