- 08:24:20: RT @robinmckinley: RT @Writerer: Intrsting article on creativity. http://www.newsweek.com/2010/07/10/the-creativity-crisis.html
- 08:59:52: Emailing complicated drawings of size to print 9 inches wide in fine detail can cause email FAIL. Other options being considered.
- 09:38:58: Maps have gone to Editor. Dunno yet if Production will want .tif files instead of high-rez .jpg files. Meanwhile, back to work on story.
- 15:37:03: Juice of one lime + large glass of club soda = refreshing summer afternoon drink. No sugar.
- 19:24:35: Riders of the Purple Penguin or Penguins of the Purple Sage #penguinbooks
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