Sunday evening is my television evening (mostly PBS but sometimes Telemundo, one of the two available Spanish-language stations.) So this evening, I ran across a PBS program on "Waila" or "Chicken-Scratch" music of a number of reservations in southern Arizona...and to me, it sounded like conjunto. The same cultural background went into it--European instruments, a strong German influence. Some of the bands could have played in South Texas in the '50s. My ear isn't educated enough to pick out all the differences between the two musical cousins--I'd need to hear a lot more of the Waila, though I did notice the lack of brass in the bands featured. Still--it sounded so familiar that I started twitching to the beat.
Signs: While we were driving home today, stopped at a red light, a truck made a left turn in front of us, and the truck had this sign on its side; "Absolute Destruction." (Yes, I double-checked, "Absolute" had the "e.") Much speculation on what the customer might want absolutely destroyed.
Some distance down the road, a large sign read "Powder Coating." (It did not say what would, or could, be powder coated, but the mental image was of someone flinging large globs of face powder onto the customer's chosen object.)