- 09:35:50: RT @patinagle: RT @bookviewcafe: Today's Special from Judith Tarr: new chapter in Alamut. Read it for free at http://www.bookviewcafe.com
- 09:54:49: RT @natachakennedy: New blog Post; No Safe Spaces for Trans People. http://bit.ly/aOWjlS
- 10:43:48: RT @NASA: Today in 1957: Sputnik I was launched. Check out the feature we did for the 50th anniversary http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash ...
- 15:02:27: Spent a couple of hours watching amazing butterflies in an ugly (but heavily flowering) native shrub. It must taste great.
- 22:19:50: RT @digby56: Tough love for the sick and frail http://bit.ly/bdMZTw
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