- 06:26:08: RT @kaysea14: What a scientist didn't tell the New York Times about his study on bee deaths http://t.co/VyoQXqL via @FortuneMagazine
- 06:26:30: RT @DeviPillai: Jim Butcher: I don't have writers block, I have a mortgage. #nycc
- 06:42:26: Off to rehearsal...the first for the Durufle "Requiem" we're doing in early November. All day today.
- 16:45:03: RT @patinagle: RT @bookviewcafe: Today's Special from Sarah Zettel: new chapter in Camelot's Blood - read it for free at http://www.book ...
- 19:28:53: Today's discovery...I like the Durufle "Requiem" after all. Just needed the right director and choir to sing it with.
- 19:30:43: Needed long nap when I got home, though. Mental concentration of hours of that kind of singing wears me out.
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