e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

From Twitter 11-02-2010

  • 09:44:07: RT @patinagle: RT @bookviewcafe: Today's Special from Deborah J. Ross: new chapter in Jaydium - read it for free at http://www.bookviewc ...
  • 09:44:57: RT @KSmithSF: http://whatthefuckhasobamadonesofar.com/?q=33 - Signed financial reform law allowing shareholders of publicly traded compa ...
  • 09:46:04: RT @NASA: [News] NASA's Fermi Finds Giant, Previously Unseen Structure In Our Galaxy: NASA will hold a media teleconference ... http://b ...
  • 09:46:28: RT @robinmckinley: Note that there's a link to the first THREE chapters of today-released PEGASUS on opening page of my blog: http://rob ...
  • 09:47:17: RT @joshtpm: Great 2010 irony: dozens of wall street funded GOPers running on anti 'wall street bailout' platforms
  • 09:49:33: Last night's rehearsal strenuous but effective. Tonight will, I hope, go well.
  • 09:51:03: Election Day in USA: Vote! Yes, it matters.
  • 10:51:24: RT @robinmckinley: RT @violinknitter: Forget Election Day @robinmckinley's PEGASUS is out 2day! Get & read it, it is lovely & wonderful ...
  • 11:25:16: RT @johnjosephadams: In honor of election day, read Resistance by Tobias S. Buckell and find out what happens if you outsource your vote ...
  • 23:14:46: Requiem Mass tonight, singing Durufle...wow. What a wonderful bunch of people I get to make music with!

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com


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