e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

From Twitter 11-16-2010

  • 10:55:16: "Impossible" scene--adolescent's sudden trauma-caused maturation & regression both--just untangled--whew! #amwriting
  • 10:56:39: Now on next scene, where fairly dense adult misinterprets adolescent's state of mind. Equally difficult. #amwriting
  • 12:57:17: RT @NASA: "Earth As Art 3" - New collection of amazing/weird Earth images from the Landsat satellite, courtesy @USGS. http://go.usa.gov/Cvg
  • 17:35:56: ROSES! Arrived at wrong address, have been retrieved, will be planted tomorrow morning.
  • 18:25:35: Newly-elected right-wing Congressman wants HIS taxpayer-paid health care now--but not for anyone else: http://tinyurl.com/2a3jlhl

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com


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