e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

  • Mood:

Still creeping

The result of Thursday's foray into big grocery stores was Friday's all-day exhaustion.   I couldn't get up any energy though I did manage to accomplish a few things (putting laundry in the machine, taking laundry out) with rests at frequent intervals.  

I've pulled out of the music I had signed up to do, realizing by Friday night that there was no way I could leap forth full of oomph for Saturday's rehearsal and subsequent ones.    There is no oomph.   Some oomph needs to return pretty quickly so I can perform the Thanksgiving feat (long practice and what passes for organization around here will get it done with less effort than if this were my first time!)

Complete wellness and abundant energy would be really welcome about now.   (Relative wellness is also very welcome, after how I felt this time last week!!)
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