e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

From Twitter 12-20-2010

  • 00:08:36: Embarrassing to glance back up the page I'm working on and find that someone's arm was "numbered" instead of "numbed." @writing
  • 07:33:03: RT @NASA: See the most detailed maps of the Moon's terrain & topography ever made; from NASA's LRO mission. http://go.usa.gov/1hk
  • 07:53:46: RT @ISS_NatLab: Congrats to the engineering students at Clear Springs High School for their plant growth chamber project! http://fb.me/M ...
  • 11:01:16: RT @BacklisteBooks: RT @authorterryo: Close-out sale! HIDDEN FIRE in trade paperback on sale for $3.00 While supplies last. http://bit ...
  • 11:06:29: Just heard from Editor: Victory Conditions and Command Decision both back to press; 4th printing for Victory Conditions. Thanks, readers!!
  • 14:55:49: RT @robinmckinley: RT @violinknitter RT @WordWhispers I've invented new social networking app called Table. People sit round it & talk. ...
  • 15:28:41: Even a missing catalog can't stop me from ordering goodies online at this season...
  • 18:25:22: Gorgeous sunset; rising moon visible but with thick halo.

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com


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