- 00:28:58: Several recent/new posts on revision progress at http://www.paksworld.com/blog/ #writing
- 09:44:13: RT @BacklisteBooks: Spot Quiz: What's $2.99 minus 25%? A RIDICULOUS price for #ebooks by popular authors! All formats incl #Kindle http: ...
- 16:07:49: RT @awfulagent: The Speed of Dark from Audible by @emoontx makes the list of best audio of 2010! http://www.fantasyliterature.com/best- ...
- 21:07:09: RT @openleft: Yes, Virginia, global warming causes more extreme snowstorms--and other surprises http://ow.ly/1aEe1r
- 22:42:07: Just discovered that sound via headphones from old boombox MUCH louder than via speaker. Near zero is LOUD. That'll keep me awake.
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