e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

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Sky's clear, wind's blowing

And I'm still inside.   It's been a paperwork & correspondence morning, with more to come.   90% of the work I need to do is indoors...including housework chores (clean and box up all the kitchen stuff I'm not using with reasonable regularity (obviously Christmas cookie cutters aren't used except in one burst once a year...) and cart it down one of the places these things will be valued; sort and box for removal all the clothes that don't fit or no longer suit our lives; finish boxing and moving to storage unit both papers and books that will be final-sorted later (when there's room to do them one at a time.)

We also need to plant the early garden and put up the supports for peas (early garden) and beans (spring/summer garden) and make new tomato supports.   But I'm determined to get some parts of the inside in better shape first. 

Tonight is choir practice for tomorrow's Epiphany service, and (thus) tomorrow is Epiphany, after which the forest in the house (a juniper tree rather larger than we'd planned!) will go outside and become part of erosion control in a gully.   Busy week, for a "vacation" but that's how everyone's supposed time off is spent these days.

Tags: life in the country

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