e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

From Twitter 01-13-2011

  • 00:01:08: RT @NatureNews: Conservation biology: The end of the wild http://ff.im/-wvK2Q
  • 00:05:35: RT @NatureMedicine: Playing with RNA has never been this much fun http://ff.im/-wvFmQ
  • 00:05:42: RT @NatureNews: People prove impervious to anxiety from genetic tests http://ff.im/-wvFDr
  • 00:06:40: Good choir practice tonight--and got my score for Bach St. John Passion. Big fat blue thing. Lots & lots of notes. Eeep!
  • 10:44:23: Half of day's words done, after late start. Missed lot of sleep last night, but so what. #writing
  • 11:25:30: New post on http://www.paksworld.com/blog/ "We Have Title" (this is for next year's book.)
  • 12:45:27: RT @BL_Owens: I nominate @NatureNews for a Shorty Award in #science because I can't believe we haven't been nominated yet! http://bit.ly ...
  • 12:47:59: First look into Bach score, first chorus...32 sixteenth notes on one syllable. How fast are we taking this? Where can we breathe?
  • 14:04:12: Wordage goal: 2000. Accomplished 2738. Sometimes a scene wants to be finished. #writing
  • 15:19:11: RT @NASA: Several organizations, including NASA, track global temperature changes. How well do their numbers agree? http://go.usa.gov/rsn
  • 19:58:00: RT @BacklisteBooks: "EU...must take more responsibility for the digitisation of Europe's cultural heritage to avoid a 'digital Dark Age' ...
  • 19:58:11: RT @BacklisteBooks: Exclusive: The New York Times iPad App Nearing 1.5 Million Downloads http://bit.ly/gMdpHE
  • 19:58:40: RT @BacklisteBooks: #Ebook Pricing vs. Revenue (Or why we're evil geniuses for pricing our #ebooks at $2.99! ) http://bit.ly/gU229H #kindle
  • 19:58:52: RT @NASA: [Image] WISE view of two companion galaxies: one a tranquil spiral, the other blazing with star formation http://go.nasa.gov/i ...
  • 19:59:11: RT @BacklisteBooks: The Backlist eBook Store--One-stop shopping for #Kindle editions of out-of-print books by bestselling authors http:/ ...
  • 20:01:03: Long, long, LONG nap after finishing daily words because of only 4 hrs sleep last night. Eyes don't burn anymore. Wow.
  • 20:48:29: RT @innaj: RT @KateMessner: Revising is like knitting a sweater. Almost perfect...but then you tug a tiny string & cause entire sleeve t ...
  • 21:13:21: Going through the score to find all the places with 32 16th notes in a row will only terrify me, right? Just one place already did.

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com


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