e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

Sprint's Cellphone Policy on 911 calls (so far)

I had emailed my cellphone service provider, asking about the alarm-on-911 problem.  This is the response I got this morning:


Sprint has not implemented any of these changes, however we have learned that there are several counties that implemented an automated response system to screen 911 calls. 

When dialing 911, callers in these areas must either press ?1? or say ?Emergency? to be connected to a 911 operator.

When ?1? is pressed, a special tone, referred to as dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF), typically transmits information over the voice circuit.

To reach a 911 operator, always wait for the appropriate prompt and say ?Emergency? instead of pressing 1. This option does not have the high frequency tone.

I don't know, of course, if new phones used by Sprint customers (but also manufactured for other service providers) will contain the audio alarm on 911 calls, regardless of Sprint's own policy.    It would be wise to test phones prior to purchase if it's possible to find models that do not make the alarm sound on dialling 911.
Tags: 911 calls, callphone, safety, sprint

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