e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

From Twitter 02-27-2011

  • 17:47:56: RT @KSmithSF: Fracked Water Not Fit to Drink http://t.co/vYDdFJm
  • 17:49:52: RT @NASA: [Today's Pic] Discovery's Final Flip: This view of the nose, the forward underside and crew cabin of the sp... http://go.nasa. ...
  • 17:50:42: RT @PDRandom: One Hampshire mobile library saved after 8yr old boy writes to council. #savelibraries. http://tinyurl.com/6dvxd23
  • 17:53:42: RT @BacklisteBooks: Live chat with author Doranna Durgin (ME!) 7-9PM EST today. Giveaways at halftime! Hope to see you there! No pw need ...
  • 17:58:11: Via @robinmckinley, RT @david_hewson More insights into how ebook theft works - & size of the problem. http://bit.ly/gVSM7v
  • 20:34:08: "Any Human Heart" is not my cuppa. (Masterpiece Contemporaries are usually bleh, but this one more than usual.)
  • 23:55:00: High winds, extreme fire danger, & supposed to be dryer tomorrow w/continued high winds. (Roaring outside.)

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com


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