e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

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Continuing the Sock Saga

Because I learn better in concentrated doses, and because my feet want more hand-knit socks (this is the greater motivator!)  I've already started the next pair.   Pair Two will be a rich teal-like blue, and I decided to keep track of the individual socks (as I experiment) by naming them A and B in each pair (SockOne and SockTwo will be the only socks so designated.)   Two-B, for instance, has two rows of knitting after the cast-on row, before starting the ribbing.   Two-A's cuff is now over and inch long; Two-B is "behind" and I'll knit a few rows on it as I can until it catches up or surpasses A.  At that point, I'll work on A again.   Doing two at once worked so well for me the first time that I'm going to keep doing it that way.

First Pair, which were drying outside on the picnic table, are holding down the plastic bags in which each growing sock lives as it grows, along with its ball of yarn.   The trees have leafed out (at least partly) so it's hard to see how much bigger A is than B.   Second Pair is not quite as big in the cuff circumference (a little over half an inch difference) and will be a full inch smaller in the part of my foot where First Pair is considerably too big.
Tags: knitting, socks

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