e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

  • Mood:


We are very happy to be receiving some slow, but steady, rain today, along with a cool front.   This will help with everything green on the place, and it's coming before all the leaves are off--a good time to boost the winter annuals.  Have had a little over an inch so far.


Rubber boots necessary for the first time in a long while.   Coming back from digging manure into the garden.   Taken from the cover of the porch.


Taken from the end of the porch past the barn lot, the south horse lot with its manure pile, across a neighbor's pasture, down to the treeline by the seasonal creek.  Which won't flow until we get lots more inches of rain into the soil upstream...about a thousand acre-feet of water in the right place should do it.   Taken from the cover of the porch (just turning 90 degrees.
Tags: rainfall

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