e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

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New dragonfly on the place...

Friday, while out marking trails for an upcoming field trip that's coming here, I spotted a dragonfly I'd never seen before.  This was in late afternoon, so tricky to see and hard to photograph when it landed in a tree above my head and at a distance.  My images aren't good, but I was able to see details through binoculars that don't show in the images.  After consulting several books and BugGuide.net, I was pretty sure it was a Swamp Darner, and Saturday one of the more expert people on the TexOdes listserv confirmed it.

So, a new species for the place--and a lucky find.

Herewith one of the blurry images....this is a female; notice the long cerci--unusually, they'rediverging, instead of parallel.

Tags: dragonfly, odonates, wildlife

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