e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

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Reminder: Thursday in Austin

Coffee with the Author, this Thursday at 11:30 am,  on the the terrace (if not raining, snowing, sleeting, hailing....) or inside St. David's Episcopal Church in downtown Austin.  Free parking in the St. David's garage (enter off Trinity between 7th and 8th streets; sign in at the main desk for a parking voucher.  It's a 30 minute interview/chat with KUT's Jennifer Stayton.

I will be bringing along the proof copy of Deeds of Honor to show and tell about--the print-on-demand paperback soon to be available of my latest short-fiction collection.  It came out as an indie-published e-Book in December 2014.   And if given a chance, I'll talk about my sock theory of storytelling.  (You knew I'd drag knitting into it!)  If you want, you can see where I sing on Sundays (it's got really lovely stained glass and the floor creaks.)

This should be fun--so come if you can.  I'm excited. 
Tags: book signing, interview

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