e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

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And the "finished" sock pictures

First Wearing, for Photo Only

58h pair cast on, 56th pair finished (two pairs in work are regular size in this very dark blue and a very dark green.   I'm having trouble seeing the stitches on those on the dark cloudy days we've had, even with an ordinary light on.  So they're lagging behind.)   This doesn't mean I have 56 pairs of socks, because some of the socks were made for someone else, and socks wear out with depressing regularity.
It's easier to do two-color striping with even size, fairly narrow stripes, because you can tie the color of the other stripe back in midstripe, and at the end you have very few yarn ends to weave in.  A friend is going to give me a lamp her mother used to do embroidery, and when I get that I'll try a Christmas pair with dark green frame (where the blue is on these) and red and white striped feet.

Can't resist another view:

First Pair: Off the Needles and On the Feet
Bottom picture: the first pair of socks I ever knit.

Tags: knitting, socks

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