And here's more text that should format into normal "word wrap" paragraphs within the LJ cut function. Will it do so? This should test the operation of that function. It it turns into single lines that run off the "page", then the glitch is somewhere in that function. If not, the problem in the previous post is something else.
Test of Formatting.
And here's more text that should format into normal "word wrap" paragraphs within the LJ cut function. Will it do so? This should test the operation of that function. It it turns into single lines that run off the "page", then the glitch is somewhere in that function. If not, the problem in the previous post is something else.
And the "finished" sock pictures
First Wearing, for Photo Only 58h pair cast on, 56th pair finished (two pairs in work are regular size in this very dark blue and a very dark…
The obligatory sock post...
This is a short obligatory sock post between political posts. Here is a sock (not a pair yet, you'll notice) that combined three different yarns…
So, Socks in September...
It's been a bit hectic but I did finally finish the third pair of shorty socks today. There's a long story behind that, but it's almost…
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And the "finished" sock pictures
First Wearing, for Photo Only 58h pair cast on, 56th pair finished (two pairs in work are regular size in this very dark blue and a very dark…
The obligatory sock post...
This is a short obligatory sock post between political posts. Here is a sock (not a pair yet, you'll notice) that combined three different yarns…
So, Socks in September...
It's been a bit hectic but I did finally finish the third pair of shorty socks today. There's a long story behind that, but it's almost…