e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

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Almost enough singing...

Rehearsal, about 8:30 am for the 9 am service: Mendelssohn's "There is a star in Israel rising..."    9 am service included hymns, canticles, psalm, etc, and of course the anthem.  

Nipped downstairs to the church bookshop to do a signing gig with another writer.   Nipped back upstairs to sing the anthem again, this time without rehearsal or warmup.  Nipped back downstairs to the bookshop to finish the signing gig.

In the afternoon, from 4 to roughly 6-I-think-but-forgot-to-look, we (the whole family) went to the Sing-It-Yourself Messiah, which I always love.  They used to bring in soloists for the solo parts, but now let the choir sing those parts (and that means us, the audience, as well.)  That makes it back-to-back singing...and by the time we'd finished (which includes a second run at the Hallelujah Chorus, with the raffle-winner conducting) I was actually glad to stop singing.

But as a special delight, the local classical music radio station was playing *tons* of Beethoven today because it's his birthday, so I got to hear really good stuff on the road...
Tags: choir, music

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