e_moon60 (e_moon60) wrote,

He Did It!!!!

M- did fine on his tryout, and will start work Monday!!!

I am suffering from major Mother-blurry-screen virus!

His job coach was held up in traffic because I-35 was closed, so we introduced him to the manager, and then...left.  (That was NOT easy! Esp. since it was not the same manager on duty as yesterday, and he told us that L- had called and said she was held up in traffic.)  And the manager got him started working even before his job coach came.

When we came back he was working away, slowly (because it takes him awhile to get the coordination for anything new) but steadily.

And the manager said he was pleased, and they wanted him to start this week.

I can hardly believe it.  WHEEE!!!   (I know, I know, it may not last, all sorts of things can go wrong in the coming week when he's suddenly faced with full shifts, but...this is HUGE right now.)
Tags: autism, employment

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